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Why it is important to be Trauma Informed?

Numerous scientific reviews have concluded that being trauma informed has a significant and lasting impact on the resilience and well-being of children and adults. For those interested in exploring the science, the following Research Gate scientific study is a good starting point.






More and more organisations are looking for ways to make themselves more resilient in the context of an increasingly uncertain world.


“Being Trauma Informed will enhance resilience, minimise burn out and empower you, your clients and your staff.”

Frederique Lambrakis-Haddad

Trauma Inform, Lead Practitioner

our model

Our model for helping you become more trauma informed is grounded in evidence and experience yet is both simple and pragmatic. It centres on helping you evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in a meaningful way.

our aim

Our aim is to evolve your practice, not fundamentally change it.  We can help tailor your programme, training and internal mechanisms so that you can become more expert at self-care and self-awareness for your staff and clients. 

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